On Demand
To achieve the next level in your fitness game, confidently. FIT FLEX On Demand, an easy to follow along anywhere exercise prescription.
Learn. Build. Skill.
Discover the art of healing. Ready to learn self-mastery?
Learn. Build. Skill. Fit Flex On Demand contains the building blocks to your next level in fitness. Every human on the planet has the same system to process stress. Which means that your body is equipped with immense self healing powers from mental and physical anguish. The mind-body bridge over the mind-body gap is real. Provide the right environment and the body will do the rest. Through FIT FLEX Online you will experience the elevation of health and wellness to discover the art of healing and what that can mean for you.
To participate, what level of fitness skill do I need?
Fitness skill is based primarily on self perception. FIT FLEX Online is designed with primary fitness motor skill development levels in mind. The focus is first on building ability and skill in flexibility, coordination and balance before moving up in progression. You must first pass the reset zone to clear out old compensation motor patterns and remind the body what it already knows but probably hasn’t practiced in awhile. Your skill level meets you where you are from beginning to elite athlete. Injured or healthy. Everyone starts at day one and stacks on from there. Many are often surprised when they meet their match!
Can I really do FIT FLEX On Demand anywhere?
Yes. FIT FLEX On Demand was designed to do stationary, seated, standing, walking, marching, skipping. You’ll quickly discover your skill level. Your skill will highlight how as fast you can go as long as your form holds precision at higher speeds and velocity! You can do this indoors or outdoors. On a track or in the woods. At the beach or in the water. You are learning a set of movements to do in a sequence to activate the body-mind connection. Assess your state of body awareness and activate and prepare stabilizers before major muscle groups required for physical activity. Building your confidence along the way.
How is FIT FLEX On Demand delivered?
FIT FLEX On Demand is an exercise prescription delivered in an on demand video format, available in our digital training lab that you can access from on any device connected to the internet. Making this available to anyone who needs accessibility to quality health council. The content is timed to unlock as you go through the timed phases of the coaching and training. Like all prescriptions, there is a recommended dosage (20-30m; 2-5x wk) within a time period (3-6mo) to follow through with to get the described benefits. Work up to completing the prescription over and over again and watch the benefits add up!
How does FIT FLEX On Demand work for me and my needs?
This program is comprehensive syncing all components of fitness into one activity. Simplifying the same 30m effort to fit in all that is promised. FIT FLEX On Demand was created to offset the slow developing aging effects of muscle loss, motor function and mobility skills. The evidence-based exercises within FIT FLEX On Demand are built on early life motor skill development, and uses bodyweight resistance to retain muscle function and skills. Humans are three dimensional beings and have the ability to move up, down, left, right and in a 360 degree circle. FIT FLEX On Demand progresses in complexity from one through all three planes of movement. Making it possible for anyone at any level to challenge their own ability.
Learn at your own pace
Access anywhere
Only $295
Annual renewal Lifetime Access
12 week training cycles
Coaching Upgrade by Appointment
Mon – Fri — 08:00 – 18:30
Saturday — 09:30 – 16:00
Sunday & (Most) Holidays — Off
Challenge your fitness level.
Today is a new day for the go-getter, and self-motivated! Get access to the digital training lab to unlock the power of FIT FLEX On Demand, see what medical fitness can do for you!
Discover more about total body conditioning through the healing arts.
Medical Fitness is a branch of Sports Medicine, Alternative Medicine and Traditional Fitness. It is a new an emerging field in medicine, a cross section of theory and philosophy. The purpose is to create a new value-based healthcare solution. Focusing on the patient and the outcome. At Muscles +HEART Fitness Lab it is our mission to support the health journey through all stages of life.
Get in Touch
Open Hours
Mon – Fri — 8:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday — 10:00am – 4:30pm
Sunday — Closed

1827 NE 44th Ave #340
Portland, OR 97213